Learn online the skills and tools you need to plan and execute your own Google Ventures' Design Sprints or MVS Service Design Sprints, get certified, and join a global community of Design Sprint Masters. Go beyond facilitation. Best Design Sprints Online Training 2019.
Check our SwitchUp reviews (5 stars).

Access the availble programs here: https://design-sprint-school1.teachable.com/p/start-here-introduction-to-the-bootcamp-with-mentor-s-feedback

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The Design Sprint School
The Design Sprint School

We are a skill-building academy. We specialize in Design Thinking education and empowerment, with which our founders have over 20 years of experience, many books published and thousands of graduate students worldwide. This means we are not here to sell you on our practice or on how smart we are. We are here to guide and equip you so that you can build your own design practice.
We pledge to educate Design Sprint Masters, and this means acquiring skills and knowledge that go beyond workshop facilitation.